Romanian Deadlift Vs Deadlift: Which Is Better For You

In weight training, deadlifts would be at the top of the list of exercises – be it the traditional, Romanian, or any other variation of the deadlift.

However, the question is, what’s the difference between them, what muscles do they specifically hit, which one is better for you, and how to choose between Romanian deadlift vs deadlift? This article will clear all queries. So let’s dive deep into it.

What Is A Deadlift

Simply explained, a deadlift is a movement in which you pick the dead weight up off the ground. However, from a weight training perspective, there is a certain technique to perform a proper deadlift.

A deadlift is one of the most crucial strength exercises that you should not avoid in the gym. It’s a compound exercise that includes almost all the skeletal muscles of your body.

Deadlifts strengthen your core muscles, and posterior chain, improves posture and coordination, and increases stability.

Due to its simplicity, the deadlift is undoubtedly the oldest exercise in the weightlifting game. In an era of no machines and equipment, lifting weights from the ground would be the most feasible way to show strength.

For hundreds of years, people have discovered multiple variations of deadlifts.

  • Traditional or conventional deadlift
  • Romanian deadlift (RDL)
  • Single leg RDL
  • Stiff-legged deadlift
  • Hex/trap bar deadlift
  • Sumo deadlift
  • Snatch grip deadlift
  • Dumbbell deadlift

All the variations have a slight difference in their equipment required, technique, and muscle involvement.

Among them, the most common are Romanian deadlifts (RDL) and traditional deadlifts. Let’s look at the differences between them.

Romanian Deadlift vs Deadlift: Differences

Both types of deadlifts are compound exercises, but there are several key differences between them. Let’s check them out one by one.

Starting Position

This is the main difference between conventional deadlifts and Romanian deadlifts. Deadlift starts from the floor whereas, in Romanian deadlift, you start by holding the weight in a standing position.

Now, as the deadlift starts from the floor, so it focuses more on the concentric (which contracts the muscle) portion of the lift.

On the other hand, Romanian deadlifts give more emphasis on the eccentric (stretching the muscle) portion of the lift. Due to this, it targets more on hamstrings and glute muscles.

Deadlift starts by lifting weight from the floor and starts going upwards, whereas in RDL you hold weight in the hands and start bending forwards.

Form and Technique

Before doing any kind of deadlift, you must have to perfect your form and technique, or else, you’ll be more prone to injuries.

How to perform Deadlift

1. Put the barbell in front of you and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

2. Put your back straight and chest out.

3. Hinge your hips to bend forward and hold the bar.

4. Drop your hips back, push the ground with your feet, and start lifting the barbell while keeping your back straight.

5. The bar should be very close to your shins while lifting.

6. Now return to the standing position and make sure NOT to bend your back during the whole movement.

7. Do 3-8 reps and 3-5 sets (rep range depends on your personal goal).

Safety tips to avoid injuries:

Never bend your back. This is the most common cause of injuries while doing deadlift. Keep your chest open so that you can avoid rounding your upper back. Engage your core muscles also.

How to do Romanian Deadlift

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the barbell in your hands.

2. Open your chest and keep your back straight similar to deadlift.

3. Hinge your hips to bend forward towards your feet.

4. Lower the bar with a neutral spine and stop in the middle of your shin or just below the knees.

5. Return to the starting position and contract your glutes at the top.

As in the case of deadlift, keep your spine neutral, head straight, and an open chest in RDL also.

While doing RDL, keep a slight bend in your knees (less than deadlift) and don’t touch barbell to the ground as it may hurt your lower back.

Muscles worked

The form and technique of both deadlifts are very similar but their target muscles are different. This thing helps you in choosing which type of deadlift you should perform and when.

Every type of deadlift targets the posterior chain (muscles on the back side of the body – back, glutes, and hamstrings) but there are certain differences among the primary target muscles.

Conventional deadlift muscles worked

Conventional deadlifts target muscles including the back, hamstrings, glutes, core, forearms, quads, calves, and traps. But all these muscles are not targeted to the same extent.

Primary muscles:

  • Lower back
  • Hamstrings
  • Erector spinae
  • Gluteus maximus

Secondary muscles:

  • Traps
  • Calves
  • Forearm flexors
  • core muscles
  • Lats

Romanian deadlift muscles worked

In Romanian deadlift, as your knees remains slightly stiff and main focus is on eccentric portion, hence it primarily targets on hamstring and glutes.

Primary muscles:

  • Hamstrings
  • Gluteus maximus

Secondary muscles:

  • Forearm flexors
  • Calves
  • Back

Key difference:

RDL majorly targets hamstrings and glutes whereas traditional deadlifts also hits erector spinea and the lower region of back.

Romanian Deadlift Vs Deadlift: Similarities

As the key concept behind both movements is the same, so there are some similarities between them.

1. Both RDL and the deadlift are compound exercises that include multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

2. Their movement pattern is also similar. Both RDL and the deadlift are hip hinges. That means you have to lock out the barbell in a standing position and hence, build your pulling strength.

3. RDL and deadlift target different muscles but both exercises strengthen your posterior chain.

Conventional Deadlifts vs RDL: Which one is Better

For some people, its a hot debate that which one is better but the fact is that both the exercises has their own benefits and reasons to perform.

When To Choose Romanian Deadlifts

Both type of deadlifts helps in improving posterior chain strength but if you want to hit mainly hamstrings and glutes, Romanian deadlifts are better than conventional deadlifts.

Also, RDL is less challenging and cause less CNS (Central Nervous System) fatigue as compared to conventional deadlifts.

When To Choose Conventional Deadlifts

If you are a powerlifter or you want to build overall muscular strength then you have to add conventional deadlifts in your workout.

Deadlift includes more muscles groups hence it allows you to lift maximum weight than any other exercise.

In addition, deadlifts helps you in increasing training volume and it burns more calories than RDL.

However, if you have lower back pain or lower back injury, then avoid deadlifts. In that case, you can train your hamstrings and glutes by Romanian deadlifts.

If your primary target is to train hamstrings and glutes or if you have any lower back issue, than choose RDL. Otherwise, conventional deadlifts are good.