As a beginner in bodybuilding, you may have some questions in your mind related to Whey Protein Supplements.
This detailed article will clear all your doubts related to whey protein like – what it is, what are its benefits, should you take it or not, how it works and how it can help you in achieving your fitness and muscle-building goals.
What Is Whey Protein?
Whey protein is a protein that is isolated from milk.
Milk contains mainly two types of protein: Whey and Casein. The proportion of whey protein in the milk is lesser than casein (about 20% whey and 80% casein).
During the process of making paneer or cottage cheese, we get a by-product in the liquid form which as called as whey.
After this separation, this liquid whey goes through various processes to ultimately become a powder which we recognize as whey protein powder.

If you have ever opened the box of yogurt or curd, you’ll find a liquid floating on top – that’s whey.
The taste of the whey protein is not very good on its own. That’s the reason it is generally flavored. There are a lot of flavors but chocolate is the most popular one and my favorite too.
While buying whey protein supplements, never forget to read the ingredients it contains. In order to make it cheaper, some companies add fillers and refined sugar in it.
Whey is usually easy to digest for most people. Though people with lactose intolerance may fell gut issues hence they should be careful if they are taking it.
SUMMARY: During the production of cheese we get a liquid by-product called whey. After the various processes, it gets converted into whey protein powder. Originally it is not good in taste hence companies add flavors in it.
Who Can Take Whey Protein Supplements?
Taking whey protein supplements is an easy way to add 20-25 grams of protein in your diet.
This is important for gym enthusiasts, bodybuilders, and people who are indulged in any kind of sport. Their protein requirement is much higher than normal people. It may be difficult for them to meet their daily protein intake through diet only hence whey protein supplements are very helpful.
People who want to lose weight can also take whey protein supplements as It contains a negligible amount of carbohydrate and fats. The molecular structure of the protein is very complex hence it takes more time to digest as compared to carbs. That means it ultimately keeps you full for a longer time and makes you eat less overall.
If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then you don’t need to take it as your requirements are less. By eating a healthy and balanced diet you can get enough protein you need.
SUMMARY: Whey protein supplements are very beneficial for bodybuilders, gym enthusiasts and sportsmen. It’s an easy way to meet their protein requirements. Inactive people don’t need to waste money on supplements.
Types of Whey Protein:
There are mainly three types of whey protein supplements available in the market:
Concentrate: It contains about 70-80% protein. Along with that, a small amount of carbohydrate and fat are also present in it.
Isolate: Its protein availability is very high (about 90% or more). It contains very little carbohydrates and fat than concentrate. We get isolate protein by further processing of its concentrated form.
Hydrolysate: It is the fastest digested whey protein. It has been pre-digested that’s why it gets absorbed faster and spikes 30-40% greater insulin levels than isolate.
Among these three, whey protein concentrate seems to be the best option. It is the cheapest and tastiest. It tastes best due to the presence of lactose and fat.
If you have the issues of lactose intolerance or you want to keep your carbs and fat extremely low, then you can go for isolate or hydrolysate.
SUMMARY: The three main types of whey protein supplements are concentrate, isolate and hydrolysate. They can vary in protein availability, digestibility and price.
Benefits Of Taking Whey Protein Supplements:
Provides high-quality protein:
Protein is an essential nutrient as your body can not make it on its own. It is supposed to be the main building block of the human body.
Other than muscle formation, proteins are used to make various important things like tendons, organs, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, skin and various molecules.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. Your body can produce some amino acids on its own (called non-essential amino acids). Other amino acids have to be taken through diet (called essential amino acids).
There are a total of 20 amino acids (9 essential and 11 non-essential). A protein source that provides all nine is supposed to be the best and whey protein contains all of them.
Another factor is the digestibility of protein. Whey provides you a fast-digesting protein which is why it is recommended to take in your post-workout shake.
SUMMARY: The proteins found in whey are of very high quality. It digests fast and contains all nine essential amino acids our body needs.
Whey Protein Supplements Contains BCAAs:
Among those nine essential amino acids, three are supposed to be the most important namely Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine. These three are grouped together and called as Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA).
Studies have shown that leucine is the most important amino acid for muscle growth. It is the most anabolic (stimulates growth) amongst all.
One serving of whey protein gives you about 5.5 grams of BCAAs which is a sufficient amount. If you are taking whey protein supplements along with protein-rich foods in your diet then you don’t need to take BCAA supplements.
SUMMARY: BCAAs are the Branched Chain Amino Acids which is a group of three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Whey provides you about 5.5 grams of BCAAs in one serving.
Whey Protein Increases Muscle Mass and Strength:
The main purpose of using whey protein supplements is to increase muscle mass and strength.
Due to its muscle-building benefits, it is popular among gym freaks, bodybuilders, powerlifters, athletes, sportsmen, fitness models and people who just want to increase their performance in the gym.

Studies have shown that it is particularly effective when consumed before the workout or just after the workout. Though total protein intake is the major factor that affects muscle growth.
Keep in mind that your diet is much more important to get the best results. If you are eating shit throughout the day and thinking that whey protein supplements will do the magic, then it’s your worst mistake. Nothing can compensate for a poor diet.
SUMMARY: Taking whey protein supplements may increase your muscle mass and strength as it contains high-quality protein. For maximum benefits take it in your pre or post-workout shake.
Whey Protein May Help You In Weight Loss:
During your fat loss program, you need to reduce your carbs and fat intake keeping your protein high. For that, you need those type of food sources which are high in protein and contain low to no fat and carbs.
It is hard to find this type of food source if you are a vegetarian. In that case, whey protein can helps you in meeting your diet goals.
Also, protein can boost your energy expenditure by about 100 calories per day and make you eat fewer calories throughout the day.
If you are trying to lose fat while maintaining your muscle mass, then whey protein supplements can help you a lot. As it is a great way to keep your protein intake high in a low-calorie diet.
SUMMARY: Protein keeps you full for a longer time and makes you eat less throughout the day. Whey protein supplements also helps in maintaining muscles while losing fat at the same time.
Dosage and Possible Side Effects of Whey Protein:
The recommended dosage of whey protein is 1-2 scoops in a day. It’s about 25-50 grams of protein. If you are an advanced level athlete, you can take even 3 scoops per day.
If you are taking enough amount of protein through your diet only, then adding whey protein may be completely waste. It may be harmful to you as an extremely high intake of protein puts more stress on your kidneys.
Consuming too much whey protein may lead to digestive issues like diarrhea and bloating. If you are feeling stomach issues with concentrated whey protein, then it is better to switch to isolate or hydrolysate instead.
SUMMARY: Whey protein supplements are very safe. The recommended dosage is 1-2 scoops per day. Though, too much of it can cause several issues.
Bottom Line
Whey protein supplements are a very healthy way to add more protein to your diet. It contains fast-digesting protein and provides you with all the essential amino acids your body needs.
For bodybuilders, athletes or people who want to gain muscle mass and strength, this is a great way to fulfill their protein requirements.
If you want to do muscle gain and fat loss, protein is the key nutrient. It gives you the luxury to take high protein while on a low-calorie diet.
Here is a list of some top brands whey protein supplements from Nutrabay is the most trusted site for buying supplements as they have all the required certifications which makes it an authentic platform for buying supplements.

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