What is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT Cardio)

What is High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT Cardio)

HIIT is a modern and very effective training method in the fitness world. However, many people do not know what is high-intensity interval training or HIIT cardio and how to do it properly.

This article explains what is HIIT and 7 scientifically proven benefits of adding HIIT cardio in your workout.

What Is High-Intensity Interval Training?

As the name suggests, HIIT involves very high intensity exercises followed by a short rest period (interval).

HIIT is a combination of short burst high-intensity cardio exercise and a quick recovery period with light exercise. Like 30 second sprint then 2 minutes of brisk walking.

HIIT is a quick, easy, and enjoyable way to improve your cardiovascular abilities and overall fitness (1).

Many types of exercises and activities can be performed in high-intensity interval training. Usually, it includes running, cycling, rope jumping, push-ups, burpees, or other bodyweight exercises.

For example, a HIIT cardio/workout include sprinting for 30 seconds, followed by 1-2 minutes of brisk walking or cycling at a fast pace against high resistance for 30 seconds, followed by 1-2 minutes of easy cycling.

This can be considered as one round of HIIT. 5-10 rounds like this consist of a proper HIIT workout. For beginners, an average of 10-20 minutes HIIT cardio is enough after weight training.

HIIT vs LISS Cardio

LISS stands for low-intensity steady-state cardio. It involves normal cardio exercises like jogging, cycling, ellipticals, etc.

As the name suggests, LISS cardio is a form of cardio where you perform cardio exercises on a slow and steady rate. On the other hand, HIIT is an intense and more dynamic form of cardio (2).

Unlike LISS, HIIT is a very time-efficient exercise strategy to burn calories and to improve health and fitness. HIIT can produce more benefits than a simple low-intensity steady state (LISS) cardio (3).

However, both have their own space in a fitness program.

How To Get Started With HIIT

There are several ways to add HIIT cardio in your workout routine.

Choose your exercises

Just pick any of the exercise like running, jumping, cycling, etc and you are good to go.

Start with your favorite activity and then you can experiment with other exercises. You can choose and change your exercises according to your choice.

Set your timing

HIIT simply means a short burst of high intensity activity and then taking an interval or break while doing an easy activity.

Perform this short burst activity and take an interval in the ratio of 1:3 or 1:4. Like do an intense activity (sprinting) for 30 seconds and after that do brisk walking for 90-120 seconds or 1-2 minutes.

Keep doing this circuit for about 20 minutes and you are done with your HIIT workout.

Examples of HIIT workouts

Here are a few examples of HIIT workouts you can add in your routine:

  • Using a stationary bike, cycling at a fastest pace possible for 30 seconds. Then pedal at a slow and easy pace for 1-2 minutes. Repeat this circuit for 10 to 30 minutes.
  • Sprint at your full speed for 30 seconds. Then do brisk walking for 1-2 minutes. Repeat this circuit for 10 to 30 minutes.
  • Perform jump squats or burpees for 30 seconds. Then stand or walk for 90 seconds. Repeat this circuit for 10 to 30 minutes.

These are some of the examples of HIIT to get started. You can plan your own routine according to your choice.

Summary: Setting up a HIIT routine is very easy. You can experiment with different exercises to find which routine suits you the best.

Benefits of HIIT Cardio

Here are the 7 scientifically proven benefits of HIIT cardio:

Beneits of HIIT Cardio
Beneits of HIIT Cardio

1. Burn more calories

HIIT cardio is an effective way to burn calories. Unlike steady-state cardio, people find it more enjoyable. Also, HIIT burns more calories than LISS.

A study was done to compare the calorie-burning effects of HIIT and other forms of exercises like weight training or running (4).

Results showed that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than the other form of exercise in the same time period.

Summary: HIIT helps you in burning more calories than other exercises or burn the same amount of calories in less time.

2. Time-efficient

If you have a busy schedule, then high-intensity interval training is the best workout for you. As HIIT is an intense training method, you can achieve more in less time.

Research shows that you can do more progress by doing 20 minutes of HIIT three times a week than jogging for an hour.  

In 2011, a study done by the American College of Sports Medicine shows that two weeks of HIIT cardio is equivalent to six weeks of endurance training at improving your aerobic capacity.

Summary: HIIT is the ideal workout for someone with a busy schedule. Because of its high intensity, this training method can give you more in less time.

3. HIIT Boosts Metabolism

This is one of the best benefits of HIIT. Also, this is one of the reasons for extra calorie burn due to HIIT.

Studies show that HIIT keeps your metabolic rate high for about the next 24 hours of workout (5).

In fact, researches show that HIIT increases your metabolism more than the low-intensity steady-state cardio like jogging.

Summary: HIIT increases your metabolism more than the steady-state cardio. This keeps your metabolic rate high even after the workout.

4. Helps in fat loss

Several studies show that high-intensity interval training is a better alternative than traditional cardio for losing body fat and waist size (6).

According to a 2012 study, people performing 20 minutes session of HIIT cardio three times a week lost 2 kg of body fat in 12 weeks and that too, without any change in their diet.

On top of that, they lost their visceral fat (fat surrounding internal organs) by around 17% (7).

Summary: HIIT workout boosts metabolism and burns more calories than steady-state cardio. Hence, HIIT is a better alternative for fat loss.

5. More effective while bulking

Some people have doubts that they may lose their gains by doing cardio while bulking. Well, this can be the case if you are doing hour-long cardio in the traditional way.

Replacing steady-state cardio with HIIT can be very beneficial during the bulking phase. HIIT can give you fat burning and cardiovascular benefits while bulking without killing your gains.

In fact, HIIT may help in building muscles, especially in the most used areas like legs (8).

Summary: Performing HIIT cardio while bulking helps you in reducing that extra fat you may gain along with muscle.

6. No equipment needed

Running, jumping, rowing, brisk walking, push-ups, high knees, burpees, squats, lunges, or other bodyweight exercises are sufficient to do HIIT cardio.

You can combine any of them to design your own HIIT workout. There’s no need for any fancy machines or even weights to do that.

Moreover, you can do it anywhere, be it in your house or in your office.

Summary: The only equipment necessary to perform HIIT workout is your own body. Hence, you can do it even if you don’t have any access to a gym or a fitness club.

7. Strengthens your heart

Like steady-state cardio, HIIT cardio also provides cardiovascular benefits. It strengthens your heart and improves your aerobic capacity.

It makes your heart muscular by increasing your heart rate and pushing it into that anaerobic zone (9).

What is HIIT Cardio – Summary

So this was the article explaining HIIT cardio and its benefits. Supported by studies done by trusted sources.

HIIT (High-intensity interval training) is an easy an effective way of doing exercise. It provides you several benefits and gives more in less time.

Thanks for reading this far. I hope you like the article and learned something from this.

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