What Is A Drop Set? Meaning, Examples, And Benefits

What is a Drop Set

You may have heard about this cool term “drop set” but want to know more about it. Then this is the right place.

This science-based article includes: what is a drop set? its benefits, examples, and how you can improve your training by using drop sets in your workout.

What Is A Drop Set?

A drop set is an advanced technique you can use to level up your training. Unlike a normal set, in a drop set, you keep on lifting the weight until your muscle reaches complete failure.

Let’s explain the meaning of a drop set:

In a normal set, what you do is, lift weight for a certain number of reps and finish your set. But in a drop set, you don’t stop there. Instead, you lighten the load and repeat that exercise without taking a rest.

Each time you are dropping some load that’s why we call it a drop set. Doing it once is called a single drop set, if you do it again then it’s a double drop set, and so on.

Here is a drop set example:

Let’s say you are doing a flat bench press with a heavy weight. Your target is to hit 6-8 reps. So how should you proceed with a drop set?

  • Do 6-8 reps with that weight
  • Drop 20-30% weight and perform as many reps as possible (until failure).
  • Drop 20-30% weight again and do as many reps as possible (until failure).

You start your bench press with 80 kg (about 175 pounds) and can hit only 6-8 reps. Now drop 20 kg and do some reps with 60 kg (132 pounds) until failure, then again with 45 kg (100 pounds).

Here, you dropped weight two times, so you can call it a double drop set. If you are an advanced lifter then you can do a triple drop set also.

Make sure not to take any rest in between. After dropping the weight, immediately start lifting again.


A drop set is an advanced training technique in which you do multiple sets with no rest between sets.

Start with heavyweight, drop 20-30% weight after every set and lift until failure.

Drop Set Benefits

A drop set is an effective way to take your weight training to the next level. Here are some of the benefits of using the drop set technique in your workout routine.

1. Use drop sets to build more muscles

A 2019 study shows that this advanced training technique increases muscle hypertrophy which promotes muscle growth. But how does it happen?

When you are performing a drop set, you don’t stop at the point of muscle failure. Instead, you drop the weight and do another set, then one more or maybe two more. Due to this, you train the smaller muscle fibers also which exhaust the muscle completely.

Another study was done to compare the effects of drop sets versus conventional sets on long-term hypertrophy. People who are training with a single drop set achieved superior muscle gains as compared to the people with 3 conventional sets.

2. Improves muscle endurance

Muscle endurance is the ability of your muscles to work for a longer time. In simple terms, more the reps you can perform, the better your muscle endurance.

A 2012 study shows that drop sets also helps in improving muscle endurance. As you are performing multiple sets by dropping weights with little to no rest. So it also gives you the benefit of high rep training.

Also, this training technique increases the overall training volume as you are doing a lot of reps in total.

3. To break Plateau

If you are not experiencing any gains from your training then maybe, you have hit the plateau. It’s a stage where your body becomes used to your training protocol and you stop seeing results.

You can break the plateau by changing your workout strategy or by inculcating advanced techniques like drop sets, supersets, rest-pause, etc.

In addition, you can also use drop sets to shock the muscles once in a while. This will give you a totally different kind of burn in your muscles.

4. saves time

Yes, this technique is time efficient too. The principle behind this is that you keep doing your sets without rest so it takes less time to finish the workout.

Also, if you have really less time, then in place of 3-5 sets, you can finish your workout by doing 1-2 drop sets of every exercise.


Drop set technique helps in promoting muscle growth, muscle endurance, breaking plateau, and also time efficient.

How To Use Drop Sets In Your Training

Here is the blueprint for using drop sets in your training routine effectively for maximum muscle-building benefits. Let’s understand with an example.

Here is an application of this technique in barbell squats:

  • Load the bar with a weight with which you can do no more than 6 to 10 reps.
  • Stand under the squat rack and start your set.
  • After finishing the set, put the bar on the rack immediately and reduce the 20-30% weight.
  • Then again go under the rack and start your set. Finish as many reps as possible, (you won’t be able to do more than 8 reps).
  • After reaching failure, put the bar on again and drop some weight (20-30%).
  • Start squatting again and put the bar after failure.
  • You can repeat this by dropping and squatting 1 or 2 more times.

Finally, your set is now complete and you can go on to the next exercise.

Things To Remember While Doing Drop Set

Here are the things that you need to keep in mind while inculcating this technique in your training:

  • Not recommended for beginners: It’s an advanced-level training method. So avoid this technique if you are a beginner or do not have any training experience.
  • Take extra care of your form: As you are taking little to no rest, it is possible that you may compromise on your form either to pull off more and more reps or because of fatigue.
  • Drop it immediately: Drop the weight as soon as you finish the set and go on to the next set immediately or else you’ll lose the benefits of the drop set.
  • Have a spotter: Always have a spotter with you, especially during the compound exercises like bench presses and squats.
  • Not every set is a drop set: Don’t add too many drop sets in a workout. Do just 1-3 drop sets in a workout.
  • Don’t drop too much or too little weight: Dropping too much weight won’t be beneficial and dropping too little, won’t let you lift that again. So, reduce 20-30% weight in every set.

The Takeaway

Drop sets are one of the best ways to shock your muscles by giving them a totally different kind of stimulus. As an intermediate or advanced level lifter, including drop sets in your workout, is an effective way to level up your training.

Make sure to not overuse drop sets in your routine as they are very exhausting for your muscles and it may lead to overtraining. So keep the above points in mind and use this training method smartly, for the best results.