How To Lose Chest Fat Naturally (MALES)

How To Lose Chest Fat Naturally

Are you sick of having a loose, fatty chest and want to get a hard and poppy chest like Dwyane (The Rock) Johnson? Then you are at the correct place.

You can lose chest fat naturally if you know the correct and scientific way to do that. So let’s dive deep into it.

Why Do You Have Chest Fat (Man Boobs)

First of all, you need to know why you have so much fat on your chest. There can be many reasons for having excess chest fat.

In most people, the cause of chest fat is having too much body fat or obesity. If this is the case with you then you would have fat all over your body.

Hormonal imbalance or lower testosterone levels is another major cause. These days, many men are suffering from lower testosterone levels. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, and alcohol consumption are the main causes of this.

Apart from that, there can be genetic reasons or some health problems like an overactive thyroid gland, male breast cancer, etc.

Obesity and lower testosterone levels are the main causes of having a fatty chest or man boobs.

Is Spot Reduction Possible?

Spot reduction means reducing fat from a specific area of the body. Most people want to lose fat from their chest or midsection, but is it even possible to target only chest fat?

Well, our bodies don’t work like that. We can’t manipulate our bodies to burn fat only from a particular area. When we go on a fat loss program then we lose fat from the whole body.

So if you want to reduce fat from your chest then you just need to focus on fat loss. And eventually, you’ll start losing fat from all over the body (including your chest).

How To Lose Chest Fat Naturally

So, targeting fat from the chest only is not possible. Still, getting rid of chest fat is not that difficult. With a science-based diet plan, correct exercises, and consistent effort, you can lose chest fat naturally.

To lose fat, you have to focus on two things, diet and exercise, and of course, with some patience. It takes time. You can’t lose chest fat in a week as some websites claim.

Nutrition Is The Key

First of all, let’s look at the dietary changes you have to do. As there is no way to lose chest fat without reducing fat from your body. So you have to start doing fat loss and for that, you have to create a caloric deficiency.

Caloric deficiency means consuming fewer calories than you need to maintain your body weight. And this is the key to lose chest fat.

By doing this you create a negative energy balance. That means your body is getting less energy than its requirement and to complete that demand, your body will use its own energy reserves, which is the stored fat.

Create Calorie Deficiency

Firstly, you have to calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). This is the measure of your daily calorie expenditure.

To calculate your BMR, simply type “BMR calculator” on google and open any of the websites. Just put in your body stats and activity level and you’ll get your daily maintenance calories easily.

Now start with a 300-500 calorie deficiency and start your fat loss journey. Stick to it for at least a month. If you are getting results then keep going but if not then readjust your calories by reducing 200 calories.

For instance, you get your BMR to be 2500. That means you need 2500 calories to maintain your body weight. To create a deficiency, you reduce 300 calories and start taking 2200 calories daily. Stick to that number until you are losing weight

Make sure to keep an eye on your weight. As you lose weight, your calorie requirement also reduces and you have to readjust your calories.

What you eat is equally important, not all calories are the same.

Apart from eating in a caloric deficit, eating healthy is also important. You have to avoid junk as much as possible.

Eat whole and unprocessed foods at least 80% of the time. Try to fill your diet with whole grains, pulses, veggies, low-fat dairy, lean meat, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Just remember this:

you are eating for your body, not for your tongue.

Here is the article to design a complete macro setup for losing fat.

Exercises To Burn Chest Fat

As far as fat loss is concerned, exercise and diet go hand in hand. They both complement each other. If you play your cards smartly, then you can get rid of your chest fat in no time.

Most people do the mistake of doing hours and hours of cardio for fat loss. Well, that’s a wrong approach. For best results, you have to do a combination of weight training and cardio.

Targeted exercise will help you in mobilizing chest fat which aids in losing chest fat. Also, chest exercises will help you in giving you a toned chest.

Here are the three exercises you must add to your workout.

  • Bench press
  • Cable flies
  • Pullovers

These three exercises are enough to train your chest completely. Let’s look at them one by one.

1. Bench Press

The bench press is a crucial exercise for the chest. In fact, it is one of the most commonly done exercises in the gym. This exercise gives thickness to your chest.

It is a compound movement, which includes multiple joints and muscles. It stimulates the pectoralis major muscle of your chest, hence, you can lift a comparatively heavy weight in this exercise.

There are multiple variations of this exercise, flat, incline, and decline bench press. The incline bench press focuses on the upper chest whereas the decline bench press hits the lower region of the chest.

Start your chest workout with a bench press. You can add one or two variations of bench presses to your workout.

2. Cable Flies

This is another important exercise that uses the pectoralis minor muscle of the chest. This muscle is smaller in size hence you can’t go too heavy while doing flies.

Unlike pressing movements, flying movement helps in giving width to the chest. Flies also have multiple variations which hit chest muscles differently, namely flat flies, high to low, and low to high.

To get rid of chest fat (man boobs), you must do high to low flies. This variation targets the lower part of the chest where most of the fat stored.

3. Dumbbell Pullovers

This is another exercise that hits the chest in a totally different way. You can add this exercise at the end of your chest workout.

Make sure to do a proper warm-up before the workout and some dynamic stretches. These things prepare your body for a challenging workout and reduce the risk of injuries.

Also, do your workout with a knowledgeable coach or trainer.

How To Lose Chest Fat – The Takeaway

With a controlled diet and correct exercises, you can lose that stubborn chest fat.

Just remember that calorie deficit is the key to fat loss. So eat about 300-500 fewer calories than you need and avoid junk as much as possible.

Train your chest twice a week. Include those variations (decline bench press and high to low flies) that target the lower part of your chest that contains maximum fat.