According to Oscar Wilde- “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance”
Time will bring both sun and storm, as it does in every romantic story, putting our deepest desires on how we relate to ourselves to the test.
On good days, when our self-esteem is high and we are proud of our accomplishments, love flows naturally. Our self-directed kindness frequently abandons us when we fail. We suddenly recall all of our flaws.
Our inner monologue is suffocating with harsh judgments. We put the blame and guilt on ourselves for our suffering. We surrender ourselves and seek solace from whoever (or whatever) can provide it.
Self-compassion is one method for regaining our well-being and winning back our hearts.
Dedicate some time to yourself
Make time for yourself every day and do something that makes you happy. You can sketch, write in a journal, compose short stories, play an instrument, or do anything else you enjoy. Give yourself some “me time” every day and be kind to yourself.
Remind yourself of your positive attributes
You might be a little overweight than the perfect body type, but your hair is long and beautiful. You may not be a natural athlete, but you are a natural mathematician. Be proud of that.
You may have a theatrical streak, but you have a terrific sense of humor.
Always remind yourself of your positive characteristics.
Respect your dreams
People who respect themselves–who are polite to themselves–honor their ambitions are the ones who do not dismiss their dreams as frivolous whims. Instead, they take their dreams seriously by converting them into objectives and devising a strategy for reaching them.
Enjoy and be happy
Dedicate time to the things that make you happy. If you love to dance, search for the dance academies near you and learn dancing and upgrade your skill.
If you love deciphering codes and solving puzzles, get yourself a ticket to escape rooms. For example- Entermission Sydney VR Escape Room, Lost Reality Escape Room Perth have enthralling games to entertain yourself.
These games help you to upskill yourself in communication, team-building, etc.
Book an escape room near you and give yourself a reason to enjoy it.
Accepting the real You

Accept yourself as you are. Accept yourself in your current state. You have both strengths and faults. You succeed sometimes and fail another time. You are correct some of the time and wrong some of the time. Allow yourself to be completely YOU.